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Free Download - Cleanse & Protect Ebook

 Click Here to Download PDF In light of the challenging times in our world today, I would like to make these cleansing and protection techniques available to everyone free of charge. Please note that the suggestions and techniques in this e-book should “NOT” replace the cleansing and protection being suggested by our government and health care organizations. What I would like to suggest is that when you are using any of the techniques in this ebook or any of the WisdomTrees Purify, Protect and Pure Bliss products add an additional intention to cleanse, purify and protect against this virus and any other energies that are harmful to you, your family, your friend’s and all sentient beings. When going out, spritz the purify and...

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Chakras for Beginners...

New to Chakras? This video from a children's show is very entertaining and informative - a must watch even for adults! Chakra in Sanskrit means wheel because in the eyes of the clairvoyant they appear as wheels in different parts of the body. This is not the only way of perceiving them, we can also see their diameter, feel their temperature and the quality and quantity of energy. These wheels in our subtle body absorb energy from our environment and release the excess energy from our body. Different nadis or channels of energy which are perceived as points of light converge into them. When the chakras are clean and healthy they are bright and rotate; when they are dirty their...

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