
Sara Gough I would give her 10 stars if I could. Sindy is remarkably kind, compassionate and uses her empathic and intuitive gifts to provide constructive advice during difficult times. In addition to her counselling, I also love her WisdomTrees products - I have "Protect" made with cedar to reduce negativity (spray it on after being near anyone/thing nasty :) ). I am allergic to most scents but this pure essential oil causes me no problems. I also have her chakra meditation cards - they are a great way to focus my "monkey mind" and I use them on their own or as a warm up before a longer meditation. If you need honest and care and products this is a good place to start :) Blessings everyone!
Nusri Hassam Sindy has a golden heart and works gently with us to face our issues. I found all her services thoughtfully delivered with loving care and gentleness. I also enjoy  many of her products especially the lovely cleansing sprays. I recommend Sindy wholeheartedly!