Free Download - Cleanse & Protect Ebook

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In light of the challenging times in our world today, I would like to make these cleansing and protection techniques available to everyone free of charge.

Please note that the suggestions and techniques in this e-book should “NOT” replace the cleansing and protection being suggested by our government and health care organizations.

What I would like to suggest is that when you are using any of the techniques in this ebook or any of the WisdomTrees Purify, Protect and Pure Bliss products add an additional intention to cleanse, purify and protect against this virus and any other energies that are harmful to you, your family, your friend’s and all sentient beings.

When going out, spritz the purify and protect sprays above your head a few times as you assert your intention and let the spray settle on your body - do the same when you get home.

Spray any visitors, your home, car and office space with the Purify mist whilst setting the same intention.

May you all be Safe & Healthy