Tarot Card Reading & Healing - The Fool

Archetype of The Fool

First things first – before I knew very much about the tarot, and psychic intuitive “stuff”, there was a time in my life when things were not going too well and I remember going for a tarot card reading so that I could have someone tell me that everything was going to be ok and that it would all work out!!!

I remember the fear creeping up at the back of my neck when most of the cards when laid were in the reverse position. Everything seemed like doom and gloom and I guess in my reality, things did feel that way at the time. It felt like all the cards did was affirm my worst nightmares and I left feeling more fearful and anxious than when I had arrived… So instead of fearing the Tarot I decided to befriend and learn…

Fast forward, a few years… I ended up working mainly as a Psychic Intuitive Healer. At that time I was doing a lot of work with the tarot cards, although my natural way of divination was through touching peoples hands, or drawing what I saw.

During this time I recognized the need for a greater understanding on my part of the therapeutic process so that I could support my clients more fully and not leave them more fearful than when they first walked in!!! It was one thing being able to foresee what was happening in people's lives, but quite another to help them navigate to a more balanced state of mind. And, so I decided to find a way... 

I went on a 10+ years study journey where I learned from many disciplines of spiritual teachings such as Shamanism, Tantra, Kabbalah, Dzogchen, Chi Kung, and, Kung Fu, I also studied for 4 years learning Body, Mind Therapy based on Western & Eastern Psychology as well as Hypnotherapy. And last but never least, I even learned new ways to work with the Tarot Deck as a healing tool.

In all the work and studies I have done, I see that we are as a humanity starved for one thing - and that one thing is LOVE. Ultimately, I believe this is what my work is all about - to help individuals find and touch that connection to their inner self, to make an unshakable bond with their inner truth, which is Love, so that they, in turn, can touch others in a true and authentic way. 

I feel very fortunate to have received these extraordinary teachings, which have given me amazing insights into my own personal healing journey that I could never have accomplished alone. Today, I combine all this knowledge and wisdom with my natural psychic intuitive gifts and help people connect to their inner truth and personal power!

The Fools Journey is an invitation for you to let me help you to see where you are at in the here and now, and how you stand in the world, where you are being supported and where there are blocks that need to be dissolved and integrated so that you are in alignment with where your inner wisdom is desperately trying to lead you.

I hope you will enjoy The Fools Journey ~ A healing journey to discovering your “Self” using the Tarot cards.

0 - The Fool

In the Tarot deck The Fool represents The Self. The journey of the Fool is literally our journey from birth until we die. This archetype if we evaluate its properties are full of child like wonder and innocence, pretty much how we start out in life.

For the purposes of the blog posts for The Fools Journey, I will work with all the 22 major arcane cards and give some suggestions on how to work with each card. Whether the cards are right side up or reversed, I will give meanings of both aspects so that you can get an understanding of how that particular card or archetype is playing out in your life.

Generally speaking when the cards are in an upright position, they tend to be more positive and when reversed more negative. However, that is not true for all cards as there are certain cards that are more positive when in the reverse position.

Either way, there is something that we can learn about ourselves. When the cards appear positive, it means that we are congruent with our journey and are being supported. When the cards appear negative, we are being invited to see the shadow side of our Self. This is usually the part we do not want to see and most often sweep under the carpet. They can also be blocks that we can overcome. However, if we can accept and integrate these “perceived” negative aspects of ourselves, then we can also claim the power that is usually contained within the recognition of our true Self.

Starting with The Fool, take a moment to read the upright and reversed meanings, and then see where you see yourself in the here and now…

The Fool can represent the beginning of a new journey, end of a cycle or part of the journey. It inspires us to embrace the adventure of life without fear and, it gives us the opportunity to evaluate the choices we are about to make. It also speaks of being open to realize our full potential in the world by taking a leap of faith to manifest that which we desire!

UPRIGHT: It is a card of receptivity, choices being offered, innocence, beginnings, simplicity, fresh start, blind faith, spontaneity and free spirit.

REVERSED: There may be feelings of stagnation, loosing faith in oneself and others, feeling fearful and afraid to move out of your situation, or of making the wrong choice. 


Being as honest with yourself as you possibly can, look at both aspects of the Fool and notice what happens in your body when you read the interpretations. Take note of whatever feelings and emotions you are experiencing. If everything feels good then there is no need to do this exercise.

However, if for example the word “stagnation” or, even “new beginning evokes some fear or anxiousness, notice where in the body you feel the unease and allow a very simple phrase to come through that you would rather be experiencing – such as “I am alive and alert” or “I joyously welcome a new opportunity” (this will become your Positive phrase). 

Now write this Positive phrase on a piece of paper – read it to yourself and underneath it, write as fast as you can anything that comes up – for example:

Positive Statement: “I am alive and alert”
Negator: - but I don’t have any energy right now.. but I hate my job..

Positive Statement: “I joyously welcome a new opportunity”
Negator: - but I don’t know what to do… but where will I find it…

Don’t worry if the negators don’t make any sense – it could just be random words that come, just don’t think about it and write as fast as you can. 

Continue to read your Positive phrase and write the negating words until such time you eventually an affirming Positive statement pops out and no more negators are present.

This can be relatively quick or you may be writing for a long time – if its taking a long time, do persevere, it is well worth doing! By doing this process you are actually purifying and transforming some unconscious beliefs that you may not have been aware of. 

Taking the final positive statement that you came up with, close your eyes and whilst repeating your positive statement allow an image or a symbol to emerge to support this positive statement. Don’t worry if no image comes, it could be just a feeling or even a colour.

With your eyes closed start repeating your positive statement and visualize whatever image or symbol that you came up with at the same time. Let your mind and body rest and relax by using any deep relaxation technique – do for 10 to 15 minutes or, this is particularly good to do before going to sleep. 

Essentially what this technique will do is help you to overcome whatever blocks or fears are getting in the way of your current life’s experience as it relates in this case to the “Fool”.

If you are just beginning or ending a journey, are part ways through or whatever your circumstance, you can either move forward with feelings of stagnation or feeling alert and alive. (These are just examples of the positive and negative phrases I came up with – the real power behind this exercise is to let the words and phrases come from your own personal emotions and feelings).

I wish you well on your journey and hope working with the Tarot in this way will be helpful in gaining a better understanding of your beliefs and patterns that get in the way of being in your true nature, your true Self!

Sindy Taylor
WisdomTrees Intentional Living Products