Chakras for Beginners...

New to Chakras?

This video from a children's show is very entertaining and informative - a must watch even for adults!

Chakra in Sanskrit means wheel because in the eyes of the clairvoyant they appear as wheels in different parts of the body. This is not the only way of perceiving them, we can also see their diameter, feel their temperature and the quality and quantity of energy.

These wheels in our subtle body absorb energy from our environment and release the excess energy from our body. Different nadis or channels of energy which are perceived as points of light converge into them. When the chakras are clean and healthy they are bright and rotate; when they are dirty their movement stagnates. Each one of the chakras has an emotional and psychological content associated with it; it has a colour which characterizes it, a sound and vibration activate it and each interrelates with all the energies in the universe.

The 7 Main Chakras:

First Chakra Names: Muladhara ~ Root Chakra
Location: Base of the spine between the anus & genitals (perineum)
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Crystals: Red Garnet, Black Obsidian or Black Onyx

Connects our experience with the earth, grounding, safety, and security. Ability to provide for life’s necessities and to stand up for oneself.
Allows the energy to go up and distributes it to our extremities, it nourishes us with the energy of strength and presence and gives
us security.
It gives origin to the impulse to give and receive. A sense of belonging to a group.
An imbalance in this chakra will generate feelings of insecurity, violence, greed, addiction, etc.

Meditation on the Muladhara Chakra develops natural health, the strength of the body, and intellectual power.

Second Chakra Names: Svadhisthana - Sacral Chakra
Location: Top of the pubic bone (where pubic hair starts)
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Crystals: Carnelian

The desire to exist and to survive, to be able to touch reality and to be touched
Joy and awe, development of intuition and development of creativity
An imbalance in this chakra will generate loneliness, lack of creativity, fear, and lust.

Meditation on the Svadhisthana Chakra frees the body from disease, gives one more vitality, sensitivity, intellectual power, and artistic ability. It also makes one attractive to the opposite sex.

Third Chakra Names: Manipura - Solar Plexus
Location: At the Navel
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Crystals: Citrine

Related to our digestive system and our hara, it helps to develop the personality to act in the world, it gives rise to the intent and the need for identification with others, friendship.
An imbalance in this chakra will make us experience fear and terror, lies and manipulation

Meditation on the Manpura Chakra develops natural immunity of the body, leads to the attainment of long life, and releases certain uncommon powers of command, authority, organization, leadership, and management.

Fourth Chakra Names: Anahata ~ Heart
Location: Above the physical heart
Color: Green or Pink
Element: Air
Crystals: Jade or Rose Quartz

This chakra takes care of the circulation of blood. It awakens compassion, love, devotion, humility, and awe. The feeling of romance starts from this chakra.
An imbalance in this chakra will generate cowardice, pride, arrogance, lack of faith, inability to forgive, lack of integrity.

Meditation on the Anahata Chakra develops inner beauty and personal magnetism, making the body highly attractive (not only to the opposite sex). It develops the power of intellect and leads to intellectual development above the normal standard. It enables the acquisition of uncommon sensory powers (ESP), poetic powers and writing abilities.

Fifth Chakra Names: Vishuddha ~ Throat
Location: Throat
Color: Blue
Element: Akash (Ether)
Crystals: Turquoise

This chakra is associated with the thyroid and tonsils, it gives us the capacity for verbal expression and for introspection.
Clear communication with our internal I and with others and in this chakra elements are transmuted
A disharmony in this chakra will generate dependency, lack of initiative and of originality.

Meditation on the Vishuddha Chakra generates adamantine hardness and strength, the power of absorption in deep meditation, the revelation of knowledge beyond written words, and the power to explain and clarify.

Sixth Chakra Names: Ajna ~ Third Eye
Location: Middle of the forehead
Color: Indigo
Element: Maha Tattva
Crystals: Lapis Lazuli

This chakra controls the pineal gland. It determines the will and connects us with more subtle and higher vibrations. Involves mental abilities and psychological skills at evaluating our beliefs and attitudes. It is a door to the expansion of consciousness.
A lack of harmony in this chakra manifests in the person as a weakness in character and a closure to new dimensions and vibrations.

Meditation on the Ajna Chakra gives non-dual consciousness and healing powers. It develops intuition and the power to see past, present, and future.

Seventh Chakra Names:
Sahasrara ~ Crown
Location: Fontanel crown of the head
Color: White ~ Gold ~ Purple
Element: No specific element
Crystals: Amethyst ~ Clear Quartz Crystals

This chakra connects to 1000 different main nadis or channels, it is the central nervous system. It gives the capacity to transcend physical limits and to connect
with spiritual dimensions. It connects the divine with the human.
An imbalance will manifest in a negation of the inner divine potential.

The chakra behavioural characteristics depicted as animals:

Seventh Chakra - is pure illumination!
Sixth Chakra - behaves like a swan
Fifth Chakra - behaves like a peacock
Fourth Chakra - behaves like a deer running after a mirage
Third Chakra - behaves like a cobra
Second Chakra - behaves like a butterfly
First Chakra - behaves like an ant

Note: the descriptions and meanings come directly from teachings I have received from Dr. Carlos de Leon as well the book Chakras by Harish Johari (teacher of Carlos).

Sindy has created some unique artwork around these teachings that you can see by clicking the link to WisdomTrees Chakra Designs.
See if you can find the animals in there.