WisdomTrees Sleep Spray

WisdomTrees Sleep Spray

Regular price $28.00
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WisdomTrees Sleep spray has been specifically formulated to bring relaxation to the mind, body, and spirit, to help reduce sleep anxiety, and, improve sleep quality.

This combination of powerful plant based essential oils (Lavender, Sandalwood, Chamomile & Cedarwood) can have profound positive effects for restoring health, balancing energetic types (doshas) and optimizing your life force (prana).

Lavender ~ stress, pain and sleep
Cedar wood ~ grounding, sleep and anxiety
Sandalwood ~ relaxation, anxiety relief, sedative effects
Chamomile ~ inner peace, contentment, and calms all sense

Content: 120ml in frosted glass bottle

To use: Spray room and mist pillows lightly (test on fabric first). Set your intention to sleep and heal all parts of your body experiencing stress and anxiety, including the mind.

Simple Sleep Meditation
Imagine a pinpoint of light at the centre of your chest and remain focused at this point as you drift off to a restful sleep. Allow all thoughts, but do not follow them, if you find you have started to follow, simply bring your awareness back to the point of light at centre of chest and drift off to a restful, restorative sleep.