New Inspirations

WisdomTrees strives to produce new and meaningful products that have a positive impact in peoples lives.

In this world of confusion, fear and chaos it is more important than ever to maintain ones grounding, get restfull sleep and eliminate negativity in order to help navigate life in a more balanced way.

Our Palo Santo, spiritual purification and grounding is again a wonderful smoke free alternative with the powerful aroma of the Palo Santo resin. It is charged and blessed with intention for spiritual purification and promote grounding.

Sacred Sage, smudge cleansing spray (like smoke smudging) is made and charged with the intention to cleanse and bless you or your home from negative energy. It's a great smoke free alternative where burning candles and incense are not permitted.

Our Sleep Spray creates profound relaxation which promotes the body's ability to fall asleep. Having a restful sleep is essential to promote grounding, to heal the body and provide essentail vitality for the wakeful state.